While we appreciate their crinkly coats and unique traits like bushy eyebrows, beards, and mustaches, most of these working canines were developed to hunt mice or larger animals.
According to the American Kennel Club, their wiry coats made them more resistant to thorns and branches when chasing their prey through the underbrush.
To learn about some of the most popular wire-haired dogs and some you may not know, we chatted to Laura Giangreco, salon curriculum project manager at PetSmart, and vets Rebecca Tremble, DVM, and Lisa Neuman, DVM.
Wire-haired dogs range from active wire fox terriers to family-friendly otterhounds.
Check local animal shelters or breed-specific rescue groups for wire-haired puppies when you're ready to add one to your home.
Wires, the more frequent fox terrier breed (the other is the smooth), are eager and aggressive hunters.
He ran as fast as his little legs could over the sagebrush-dotted countryside after escaping his room.